Hi Everyone, just a quick update as to what is happening with The20Project!
Marketing Video - we have scheduled another video shoot on Tuesday next week at Pull Focus to finish the interviews and start to edit the video together!
Kickstarter - once the video is done, the kickstarter campaign will be live! I am also going to start a discussion on the Linkedin Group about what makes a compelling Kickstarter... :)
New Contributors - we have 4 new contributors for the project, which brings us up to a total of 20 contributors!! So exciting. I am working with them right now to get their bios up on the website and their chapters complete so we can do a final, final edit and get the book formatted!
New Publishing Date Goal -> Aiming for a book launch party on Friday, October 10th 2014 here in Vancouver. (But I will organize that mid-September depending on how everything else is going)
Thank you so much for all of your support - will keep you updated in the coming weeks about the Kickstarter campagin to get us to PUBLISHED!
Cheers, Hilary
Marketing Video - we have scheduled another video shoot on Tuesday next week at Pull Focus to finish the interviews and start to edit the video together!
Kickstarter - once the video is done, the kickstarter campaign will be live! I am also going to start a discussion on the Linkedin Group about what makes a compelling Kickstarter... :)
New Contributors - we have 4 new contributors for the project, which brings us up to a total of 20 contributors!! So exciting. I am working with them right now to get their bios up on the website and their chapters complete so we can do a final, final edit and get the book formatted!
New Publishing Date Goal -> Aiming for a book launch party on Friday, October 10th 2014 here in Vancouver. (But I will organize that mid-September depending on how everything else is going)
Thank you so much for all of your support - will keep you updated in the coming weeks about the Kickstarter campagin to get us to PUBLISHED!
Cheers, Hilary