There are a few things rambling around in my head this morning. The first is that today is the deadline for contributors! I mean it - if you haven't sent me an email with your intentions and let me know if you are going to be a bit late on the submission of your blurb/photo than you have missed out. Right now we have 18 awesome people who managed to get their 'stuff' together - what are you waiting for???!!! (I also have 4 other people who are sending me stuff this weekend). So - long story short - if you want in... you need to email me today!!!
Now for the other big thing rambling around in my head; I have realized that I am way too hard on myself! I had this great conversation yesterday with a mentor of mine who is currently finishing her PhD at Fielding right now and she brought up the concept of balance... of leading a full life or just being busy to feel like you have a full life.
Women are particularly bad at this game as we take on far too much! And then when we let something slide like our health, we blame ourselves and then the cycle repeats! Apparently one of the biggest regrets of female executives is taking on far too much and missing important moments in their lives.
So I have decided that I need to be nicer to myself. Stop beating myself up for missing a workout or not vacuuming the house or deciding to do nothing. I feel like I have a bit more time that is going to be full on but I am also going to schedule more time off in my calendar when I don't have to worry about anything.
Today's Lesson: Be nicer to yourself!!! You ARE awesome!
Now for the other big thing rambling around in my head; I have realized that I am way too hard on myself! I had this great conversation yesterday with a mentor of mine who is currently finishing her PhD at Fielding right now and she brought up the concept of balance... of leading a full life or just being busy to feel like you have a full life.
Women are particularly bad at this game as we take on far too much! And then when we let something slide like our health, we blame ourselves and then the cycle repeats! Apparently one of the biggest regrets of female executives is taking on far too much and missing important moments in their lives.
So I have decided that I need to be nicer to myself. Stop beating myself up for missing a workout or not vacuuming the house or deciding to do nothing. I feel like I have a bit more time that is going to be full on but I am also going to schedule more time off in my calendar when I don't have to worry about anything.
Today's Lesson: Be nicer to yourself!!! You ARE awesome!